Tuesday, February 23, 2010

2 new rings I have made

2 new rings that I have finished recently.
The first was an exercise of making a turning ring.

Slamming a bit too much on the rounds caused the soldering to open on one side. (those of you with sharp vision can see it on the top right).

The second ring was a project for valentine.
So I came up with this

It took me awhile to get over the fear of working at home with the torch and oxides, but now that I have started, I hope to increase the production line.

Love and peace wishes

Monday, February 15, 2010

And the winner isssssss.....

My WOWH magic carpet giveaway ride winner is ......

Gina from the blog http://threadsofatattinggoddess.blogspot.com/

Congratulations Gina :)

 And this is what you won :)



It was a great experience to visit all the blogs which took part in this magical ride ( yes I have visited each and every one of them). Thank you Lisa for this great initiative and thank you all of you who have visited my blog and left such nice comments, hope to meet you again.


Love and peace wishes


Monday, February 8, 2010

New items added

I have added some new items to my etsy shop.
The new items are handmade polymer clay beads made by me. Note that I haven't use any paint in creating them only layers of clay in a technique called millefiori.
Please come visit my shop.


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