Sunday, December 27, 2009

Giovanni Corvaja

I would like to thank my gold smiting teacher - Merav Goldsmith kay - for introducing me to this great goldsmith artist  Giovanni Corvaja
Giovanni Corvaja is an Italian goldsmith artist. His idea of creating a fleece made of gold led him in the early 90's to develop a technique to reduce gold and platinum to the size of one fifth of human hair. 
Golden Fleece ring
Giovanni Corvaja

In his fascinating  "Golden Fleece" collection he created jewelry which are not only beautiful to the eye but also very pleasant to touch. Each piece requires thousands of hours of precise labour and hundreds of kilometres of gold wire.

Golden Fleece bracelet
Giovanni Coraja

Golden Fleece brooch
Giovanni Coraja

The Greek legend of the Golden Fleece has been told for 3,000 years. It is a classic hero's quest tale in which the hero embarks on a long journey into unknown lands, with a great task to achieve. He is in search of a magical ram's fleece, which he has to find in order to reclaim his rightful throne and power.

Giovanni's studio where he gives workshops as well, is one to be jealous of. This XV century building was renovated and transformed to specious fully equipped workshop and the whole space reflects the artist’s working ethic: the utmost respect towards Craft.

A view from the entrance 

Student's working stations

Discussing library area

I promised myself that one of this days I will get to see this studio from close and even participate one of Giovanni's workshops.


  1. I can't even comprehend how much work that golden fleece stuff would take.

  2. I can't imagine that the surface would be pleasant to touch. I would expect it to be prickly! Beautiful to look at and if it really is nice to touch, what a unique piece!


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